About the Department
The Department of Physics at Izmir University of Economics was established in 2017 with a founding staff. Our vision can be described as understanding the nature we live in, getting the necessary education for this, learning to think analytically, and getting to students a critical perspective.
In recent years, developments in Fundamental Sciences have been followed with an astonishing interest. Especially many new discoveries are made in the field of Physics that's main purpose is to understand the workings of nature and to create its mathematical model. The discovery of the Higgs boson, which is responsible for the mass of particles, in ATLAS and CMS, which are CERN experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, is one of them (https://youtu.be/L6AN6UwTTjU, https://youtu.be/Ztc6QPNUqls). On the other hand, without the developments in superconductivity in Condensed Matter Physics, these experiments would not have been possible.
This collider and experiment, which we have given as an example, is one of the most extremum points reached by science and technology today. On the other hand, Physics has pioneered the development of new technologies before and has made great contributions. Advances in the electromagnetism, and nuclear physics fields led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television, computers, mobile phones, domestic appliances, and nuclear power plants. Previously, advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization. Considering the potential of studies in the field of physics to cause the birth of brand-new technologies that can change society, it can be said that research and education in this field is a necessity.
İzmir University of Economics has the vision that to contribute to the rapid development of Turkey, as well as to be an outstanding higher education institution that leads the society with universal quality education and scientific research, therefore, to accelerate this process, our university aims to contribute to physics education at the highest level. This is a requirement of participation, innovation, social responsibility, and perfectionism, which are the core values of İzmir University of Economics. The aim of Department of Physics at İzmir University of Economics, is to train physicists who know the fundamental laws of the universe, have basic mathematical knowledge, can design experiments and have computer experience; successful in teamwork in research and industry projects, appreciate the contribution of the principles of physics to the development of other sciences and technologies, evaluate based on scientific principles and evidence; able to work as a researcher, teacher and technical staff.
The strengths of the Department of Physics can be listed as providing two foreign language education to students and taking courses from different faculties in the university.

Head of Physics Department
Prof. Dr. Abbas Kenan Ciftci
Room: A-507
Phone: +90 (232) 488 8346

Izmir University of Economics Physics Department Dense Matter Physics Meeting
Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics hosted the traditional 11th Dense Matter Physics-Izmir meeting ...

Seminar at the Department of Physics
Hacettepe University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences faculty member Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emre TAŞGIN presented on 'Revolution in Photonic Technologies – ...

The Physics Department Erasmus Agreement
Dear Students of the Physics Department at Izmir University of Economics, Our university has signed an Erasmus agreement with University Paul ...

Four major awards in 5 years
Prof. Dr. Göktuğ Karpat, Faculty Member at Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Izmir University of Economics (IUE) ...

The Physics Department Erasmus Agreement
Dear Students of the Physics Department at Izmir University of Economics, We are pleased to share with you an exciting announcement! ...

Loved physics, gave up her childhood dream
Senem Özdemir, who has been dreaming of becoming a pilot since childhood, graduated as the top student in the Department ...

Scientific visit to the Department of Physics
Dr. Parisa Majari came to visit our Physics Department. Dr. Majari who studied with Prof. Dr. Gürsoy Bozkurt Akgüç gave ...

Ambassador of 'goodness'
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As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.